What is asthma?

As soon as we hear the name asthma, we feel fear and worry, but actually there is nothing to worry about. In simple terms, asthma is a breathing problem. In this disease, the airways in the lungs are affected. In asthma, when the respiratory tract reacts to certain irritants and becomes swollen and narrow, it becomes difficult to breathe. Due to this, more mucus secretion is released from the inner part of the airways (Lining of the airways) so that the airways become even narrower. All these things sound scary but there is no need to panic.

There is no need to stop yourself from living a simple and active life.

So, is asthma a persistent disease or does it come and go? Seasonal asthma is a condition in which your symptoms are very bad in one season and disappear in another. This creates a misconception that asthma is a condition that comes and goes for no apparent reason. However, asthma stays with you for a long time. But once you learn about asthma, you can manage it and predicting and preventing asthma attacks is not that difficult.

Each person's asthma is different from another person. The most important thing for you to remember is that there are many people like you who are successfully managing asthma. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 300 million people worldwide have asthma. So, this is a common condition and you are definitely not alone in this. Modern medicine has made it possible to completely control the symptoms of this disease so that you can almost forget that you have asthma. Therefore, there is no need to stop yourself from living a simple and active life. There are many prominent personalities in the film industry, business world and even in the field of sports who have asthma but this has not stopped them from living a contented and successful life.